we were very lucky to be able to catch a match so early on. in fact, we got to watch two fairly prominent clubs do battle at the emirates stadium. it's a fairly new, modern stadium and was very nice. we should also mention that it was the first leg of the FA cup final. all this may sound very impressive, but for those of you who follow football will know very well that arsenal and liverpool were not the two finalists in the FA cup this year. the match we attended was, in fact, the youth FA cup final.
even the substitutes were incredibly talented. during the halftime break, the reserves came onto the field to practice and stay warm. they were just messing around, but demonstrating some impressive tricks that were probably showcased on some previous nike or adidas commercial. one of the guys who was in our group is from yorkshire has a brother who played at a similar level, and even he noted that the reserves were quite 'handy' (as he called it, even though you never use your hands in football).
then there was the singing. we happened to be on the side with the majority of arsenal supporters. the liverpool fans were concentrated in the corner opposite us. as such, we were treated to several chants intended to rouse the arsenal side to acts of footballing glory. it was extremely difficult to make out exactly what it was they were chanting, but it was good fun nonetheless. one day, we'll ask our friend to teach us some so we can sing along. (she told us a funny story of a group of arsenal fans at the local pub - aptly named "the gunners" - who sang this song called "let's pretend arsenal have scored a goal" which is essentially an invitation to celebrate as if a goal had been scored, i.e. go crazy)
at one point, the crowd even got a wave going. it kept going round and round until one section stopped it. this was met with a chorus of booing from the rest of the stadium. the wave was restarted and when it successfully passed through the offending section this time around, everyone cheered.
since we live in the area, we likely will be adopting arsenal as our club. unfortunately, they won't be winning anything this year (much like the leafs), but there's always next season!
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