Wednesday, May 20, 2009

and...we're back!

it's an amazing experience these days to live without internet. our drought started when we moved to our new flat last tuesday. that's right. for a total of 8 entire days, we have not had regular access to the internet. and we're alive. amazing!

of course, we managed to be resourceful and get some access (free, no less) at the local library. you have to reserve time and are limited to an hour per session and two hours max per day. but still, it's better than nothing.

so what have we been up to? well, this past week was mostly "tourist week," as we like to call it. we got around the city to see some of the more typical london sights. an afternoon in the westminster area allowed us to rack up quite a list of attractions, including: westminster abbey (we didn't pay the £15 to go in, though), big ben, british parliament (for you v for vendetta fans), the london eye, and buckingham palace. teresa even had fish & chips for the first time! sadly, we didn't get to meet the queen on this occasion.

now that we've rejoined modern society, we'll write more on what we've been up to in the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see a difference: two monkies in a phone booth (heehee).
