1. the economy is terrible
2. we have good jobs here (and no jobs there)
3. everything/everyone we know is here (almost)
4. 2 million+ unemployed brits for competition
5. did we mention the economy is terrible? (esp. in the UK)
6. one of the most expensive cities in the world
7. $1.80 CAD = £1 GBP
8. limited access to real chinese food
9. no ice hockey
10. still lots to do in canada (ministry-wise)
11. parents are apprehensive ("very concerned")
we're sure there are more, but that's a fairly good list for now.
a question that often comes up is the difference between trusting God and testing God. it's definitely a fine line. the reality is, no one can tell you it's one or the other - only God. if God's really telling you to do something - even if it's to go against an army of tens of thousands with only 300 men (the original 300 - judges 7) - then it's no longer testing God. it's simply following directions.
so how do you know this is what God wants, you ask? that's where the aforementioned prayer comes in. and a ton of discipline. chambers writes about this, referencing 2 corinthians 10:5. he writes how we need to have to wait on God instead of acting in undisciplined human nature - even if the intent is in pursuit of God.
"True earnestness is found in obeying God, not in the inclination to serve Him that is born of undisciplined human nature."
+ oswald chambers
we often tell people that there is still a possibility that we may not go. our tickets are booked, but we may very well end up at the airport, about to walk through the gate when we hear God speaking to us again. if He says "don't go", then we stop. we're fully committed to listening to God and following His leading every step of the way.
to be continued...
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